Discfunctionals Ultimate Frisbee Team
April May 2020
Jersey Design
Sublimated jerseys offer a blank canvas with enormous possibilities, far greater than your average screen-printed t-shirt.
In order to take advantage of the full jersey print, I create multi-color graphics with full bleed and a variety of pattern. With the playful dysfunctional theme, I played with the orientation of the team name and number to add to the effect.
The Harsh Mallows Ultimate Frisbee Team
January 2016
Jersey Design
Have you ever seen an angry marshmallow? Me neither, but it was about time! These 2 colour silk screened jersey's will be sure to harsh your mellow.
Gangrene Ultimate Frisbee Team
April 2015
Jersey Design
For Team Gangrene, I created a playful yet honest representation of Gangrene under a microscope.